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Tohu Experiences strives to develop sustainable programmes and initiatives that have positive outcomes that include all four pillars; Te Taiao, He Tangata, Tuakiri, Ohanga. While our tourism specific operations show positive outcomes for the community through products like our Marae Experience (delivering authentic cultural experiences by the people, for the people) and our International School Tours (school and sports clubs exchanges providing koha for schools and experiences for students interacting with other cultures), we recognise that we can do more good by targeting the heart of our communities, using the visitor industry businesses we own to fund and operate initiatives that are specifically about meeting the community’s needs, rather than a by-product of a visitor experience.


For this reason, all our initiatives have a focus of aligning with the communities they are based in, actively engaging support from the community and supporting legacy outcomes of general health and wellbeing outcomes.


Tohu Experiences has been a tourism leader with engraining social enterprise in to the normal practice and operations of business. We’ve been driving the normalising of doing business to achieve positive outcomes for Aotearoa New Zealand that goes beyond financial, or more recently environmentally, and includes focussing on culture and our people.


As the only organisation in Rotorua supporting the grass roots delivery of active participation in mountain biking, it is clear when you see the change of demographics riding in the Whakarewarewa Forest Park that our organisation has had an impact. Whether it be the high volume of locals attending the free days at the international bike festival, Crankworx (which we operate), or the dozens of families we have provided bikes, helmets and bike racks for, our proof is in the pudding. Since we started Mountain Bike Rotorua in 2011, we’ve seen the annual visits to the Titokorangi area of the park alone sore from 78,000 to over 600,000 today, with the Rotorua Lakes Council data suggesting that the overall forest visits per annum are now over 1,000,000.


Tohu Experiences has been able to the learnings from it’s Rotorua based operations and plan, and in some cases implement, similar operations in other areas of Aotearoa New Zealand. This includes working with the New Zealand Government to operate Crankworx events in the South Island and forming partnerships to deliver Share the Ride with Whanau in other regions.

Our initiatives are focussed on breaking down as many barriers as possibly including cost, distance, lack of knowledge and lack of confidence. By taking this approach, we provide access to experiences, activities, education and in the case of the Share the Ride programmes, ownership of assets, that whanau might normally not be able to enjoy. Furthermore, by being a Maori lead organisation, the intrinsic values of caring for our people and our place are organically intertwined into all of our operations.


Bringing the sport of mountain biking to everyone


What is Share the Ride with Whanau?


In 2013, Mountain Bike Rotorua owner Takurua Mutu and his partner Jayne Hendrikse took her low decile, intermediate school class out mountain biking in the Whakarewarewa Forest, 5 minutes from the Rotorua city centre. It was a revealing moment for the couple when one of the students asked if they were in Taupo. One of the world’s most popular bike parks, just a few minutes from their homes and the students didn’t even know it existed let alone having experienced it. That year, in partnership with co-owners Tuhua Mutu and Janine Kavanagh, the first iteration of what would become the Share the Ride programs was born.


Share the Ride with Whanau takes families from the community who don’t have the means to buy new bikes and teaches riding skills, basic bike maintenance, provides familiarity of the forest services and trails and on successful completion of the 10 session program, brand new bikes and helmets for the programme participants.

Share the Ride with Whanau has been delivered successfully annually since 2015 to more than 50 families and over 100 bikes distributed to deserving members of the community.

Getting families active, outdoors and working together is key to healthy lifestyles and Share the Ride with Whanau is a proactive program to foster a change in whanau culture. Making the sport of mountain biking more accessible by breaking down barriers of cost, awareness and knowledge are key factors to increasing the participation and future successes in the sport both recreationally and competitively.

Our program fulfils a role that is mostly unoccupied in Aotearoa, New Zealand, which is increasing the participation in mountain biking from a true grassroots level.

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​The festive period is a time for family and for giving. It can also be a difficult time for some too.

Share the Ride for Xmas is super simple. We've partnered with our mates from Giant Bikes New Zealand to find awesome members of our community who could do with a new bike. We'll select up to 10 nominees and on Xmas eve we'll deliver them a brand new Giant mountain bike.

All you have to do is nominate someone that you think is deserving of a new bike. That's it, super simple.

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For every premium experience or transfer that we host, MDA Experiences will plant a native tree here in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Just another one of our community initiatives to give back to both our people and our place.

By supporting native tree planting, we’re playing an important role in reducing net CO2 emissions, strengthening New Zealand’s biodiversity, and helping communities thrive.

Native trees can live for thousands of years. Unlike pine, they don’t need to be clear-felled and replanted – they keep thriving. Supporting native tree planting today will leave a legacy for future generations that we can be proud of. As well as helping create a healthier environment, we are growing natural playgrounds for the tamariki of tomorrow and sustenance to help our wildlife survive.

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The idea is simple, and it isn’t about reinventing the wheel; it’s about reinvigorating a culture. Born out of necessity for keeping people in jobs, developed out of the want to give the people great deals, and started with a promise to give back. With all of our developments moving forward, Shop for Good is at the heart of the concept. Here are some examples of how Tohu Experiences is committed to providing people the option to Shop for Good:


Wheelies is the online retail arm of Mountain Bike Rotorua, providing outdoor gear and delivering right to your door. But even more than that, Wheelies will also give 5% of all sales to charity. That’s the Wheelies promise.


Legend of the Peaks is an off-road running festival, open to almost all ages, set in Rotorua, Aotearoa, New Zealand. Within the festival, there are a number of different races that aim to attract both competitive and non-competitive participants, with the premier event being the New Zealand Forest Marathon, an epic 42km race incorporating awesome forest trails, off-road running, and hitting all four peaks in the forest, making for over 1700m of elevation gain.


The events are:
New Zealand Forest Marathon - 42.8kms, 1950m elevation gain, 4 Peaks

Moerangi Half Marathon - 21kms, 950m elevation gain, 2.5 Peaks

Titokorangi 10K - 10kms, 430m elevation gain, 2 Peaks

5K Trig Loop - 5kms, 140m elevation gain, 1 Peak

Kids Forest Run - 2kms, 45m elevation gain

The festival site will have music, food, an expo, and a vibe that could see you sipping away on a tasty beverage, chilling to the music while you watch your friends and whānau cross the line after an epic adventure in the forest.


10% of all Legend of the Peaks entry fees go to charity, with at least half dedicated to charity partner the Sir John Kirwan Foundation.

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